Sea Babe


Sea Babe - By WILLIAM D. JACKSON. N.A. Crusing comfort plus runabout speed are packed into 15ft... Sea Babe. For extended cruising along river and lake routes, winding through the many picturesque canal routes, or for short week-end hops that require frequent launching and beaching, you'll find Sea Babe easy to handle and economical to run. With the motor removed, she weighs only 450 lbs.. and her 15-ft. hull handles easily on a 2-wheel trailer. And performance! The light weight and the advanced design of the hull battom practically eliminate power-wasting spray, and boost Sea Babe's speed 2-5 mph over most outboard cruisers powered by identical motors. Trussed keel construction builds in strength without weight. She rides softly and without pounding. With motor attached. she floats in only 2 in. of water. The low silhouette and sporty lines make you think Sea Babe is bigger than her 15-ft length. In the 7-ft cockpit, there's plenty of room for fishing plus two chairs, one for the skipper. The simple framework and plywnod planking make her easy to build, so let's get started.

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