Flyer - Designed by Bruce N. Crandall. As described by Willard Crandall, Flyer is a 135 Cu. In. Class Hydroplane. Absolute maximum speed, is thc cry of many race drivers. For a race, they want a boat that will go fast. Sufficiently fast to win; and if it will, other features of it do not matter. The 135-Class Flyer is designed to give maximum speed, but maximum speed under normal competitive conditions. Factors of design giving straight-away speed, turning ability, and ability to ride rough water have been so proportioned that in an actual race a high peak of speed is reached. Racing in the 135 cubic inch class has been steadily incrusing in popularity to an extent that a general description of the class and its rules is unnecessary. This new Fiyer has been particularly designed to meet competition in this class.