

Hasty Hornet - by William D. Jackson. This sleek hydroplane is several notches above more standardized models in terms of speed. You’ll find she also requires a bit more skill in building. But that never stopped a dyed-in-the-wool craftsman so here she is. The secret of Hornet's speed lies in 2 things - the kind of bottom lines you give her and the motor angle. It‘s designed to give you top performance wim speeds up to 38 mph. On the other hand, it also has an afterplane designed for high speed motors which will produce speeds well over 40 mph, where the hull does most of its riding on the spray under the afterplane, if your motor and it;s angle are right. Some high speed thoroughbreds tend to he skittish particularly on the turns. But Hornet won’t be if you build her with careful attention to details, power her according to the type of after-plane lines you select, and test out your motor angle thoroughly before you try to race her with a wide-open throttle.

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