Showboat - By Douglas Rolfe. This miniature "Showboat" is an ideal camp afloat for those who like to spend vacation days on lake or river. Economical to operate, it permits fun on limited budgets. For generations the old stern wheelers have been industriously churning their way up and down the great rivers of America, and even today the river Steamboat is a familiar sight at many of the old Mississippi landings. Showboat brings a small and simplified edition of these famous boats within the practical building scope of anyone interested in lake or river craft, and offers, besides novelty, extraordinary economy and remarkable cabin capacity for so small a craft. The advantages of the design are plentiful. In the first place it requires nothing beyond ordinary carpentering to build 'and no very special skill at that trade‘ Then againit provides the maximum of cabin space and yet draws so little water that it can be run into a safe landing wherever a few inches of water are available. On top of all that, unless it is engine operated, it costs nothing in the way of fuel to run. Showboat is powered by the crew and passengers.