Sea Scout


“SEA SCOUT“ - A 14 1/2 Foot Runabout - By William D. Jackson. SEA SCOUT is the type of boat its name implies, a small inboard runabout with single cockpit designed for use by one to three persons and for fairly high speeds with comfort not found in outboards and convenience comparable to a coupe ashore, If waterproof plywnod is used in the construction, the finished boat will be stiff, sturdy, leakproof and quite fast, especially if powered by any of the lightweight, high speed marine engines such as Gray Phantom 4-45, Universal, or its equal or, if properly converted, there is no reason why any high speed, lightweight auto engine not exceeding 65 Hp shouldn't be used. With an engine of the proper size you’ll have speed and convenience in a sporty little inexpensive craft that will be a pleasure to own.

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