Boat plans from Science and Mechanics and Boat Builder Handbooks. Plans for Hydroplanes, Sailboats, Inboards, Runabouts, Canoes, Kayaks and many other boats.
There are a few plans that have CAD drawings that users have provided. The few cad files that are available (".dwg" and ".dxf" files) can be viewed and printed with a most cad programs. A FREE viewing only program is available at librecad.org. If you need to view them and dont have a renderer then you can get the latest version you find there.
The ".png", ".jpg", and ".gif" files are best viewed and printed from your favorite photo editor. After you have followed the image link to the point it is no longer a link and is taking up the entire web page, Save "The Image File" on your local machine by right clicking on the big image you want to print and select "save image as".
By acquiring these images you accept all responsibility for their use. You also agree that I am not responsible for anything that happens as the result of your acquiring these images. If you do not accept responsibility then do not acquire the images from this site.